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Blog June 16 2020

How to secure your Zoom Meetings

The video conferencing app Zoom has gained significant traction especially during the COVID-19 crisis. With most people working from home, businesses and individuals are using the app more often to connect.   The app was in the news recently due to its security lapses and Zoom itself was ...

Posted by Admin
Blog June 16 2020

How to setup a secure work from home network

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to close and many to work from home, raising cyber security concerns. If you or your employees are working from home, follow these tips to improve security of remote work. Provide your employees with basic security knowledge. Make them aware o...

Posted by Admin
Blog April 20 2020

Online Backup Systems

With the web become the premium source of information for millions of users worldwide there is a safer / more secure backup system that has originated with web use. Faster connections and the need to secure data somewhere where it becomes possible for a user to restore their system from anywhere,...

Posted by Admin