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Blog April 20 2020

Website Maintenance - Design

Like everything else, fashions in website design come and go with surprising rapidity. Cast your mind back to the designs of yesteryear: new technology and design techniques are constantly being developed and becoming popular. Build your site using CSS (cascading style sheets). In addition to its...

Posted by Admin
Blog April 20 2020

Website Maintenance - Features

While your content should be number one on your list of priorities, one or two carefully selected site functions could give your website the edge over your competitors. Consider running a coupon offer, particularly if you're using your website to advertise a bricks-and-mortar business such as...

Posted by Admin
Blog April 20 2020

The Problem - Designing A Readable Site

Do you ever get the feeling no one is reading the copy you have spent hours writing for your website? You're probably right: people don't read the vast majority of information they come across online. Persuading them to stick around is one of web designers' and copywriters' greatest ...

Posted by Admin
Blog April 20 2020

An Encouraging Design - Designing A Readable Site

The first step towards getting people to read the copy on your site is this: don't annoy them with your site design. Aside from specifically content-related concerns, you should make sure that all the rules of a well-designed site apply. Your design should never detract from the content of your ...

Posted by Admin
Blog April 20 2020

Write For The Web - Designing A Readable Site

Once you've built a site which will encourage your visitors to read what you have to say, you need to check that your copy itself is likely to hook readers and keep them hooked. You will never achieve a situation where every visitor reads every article from beginning to end, but you can at least...

Posted by Admin